If you’re an outdoor kind of person, don’t let a disability stop you from enjoying Mother Nature, discovering travel in a whole new light or vacationing inexpensively.
The best way to get your toes wet in the camping phenomenon is to join a camping club. The dues are generally very low. It’s a great way to meet others with a similar interest (camping), attend a rally, get info on the best sites and loads of advice on how-to and where-to and when-to.
Choose from among the many club types: general ones, perhaps in your local area; or niche-specific vehicles (make of vehicle); singles; military vets; motorcycle campers; Baby Boomers and many more.
Handicapped Travel Clubs
You can also join a national travel and/or discount club, but one in particular caters to those with disabilities. Handicapped Travel Club “focuses on helping handicapped persons and their families discover travel in a whole new light.”
Also visit www.rv-camping.org for extensive lists of just about everything you should need for general RV camping anywhere.
Where do campers go? To start, there are 391 areas in the National Parks System covering more than 84 million acres in the US, and occurring in Canada’ 39 natural regions. These areas consist of National Parks, National Seashores, National Forests, historical and military areas, as well as scenic and recreational trails and waterways.
Handicap Accessible Campgrounds
Yellowstone National Park welcomes RV camping, traditional tent or vehicle camping, and backwoods camping. With a little planning and preparation, those with disabilities can participate in almost all camping activities. What each campground considers “accessible” varies, so you should call before your trip so you can prepare properly. Visit www.nps.gov for more information and a list of other parks to visit.
Even with the high price of gas, camping is usually less expensive than an airplane ticket and hotel. And they don’t do body searches to get into a campground!
Plus, campers are typically very friendly so it could be a great way to make new friends.
This mobility safety update has been brought to you by NMEDA – the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association. Need some information on how to make your vehicle wheelchair accessible or upgraded with the latest and most convenient features? Contact a NMEDA dealer in your local area. Your local NMEDA member is a mobility equipment and accessibility expert!