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NMEDA Canada develops and maintains partnerships with organizations that share our interests in automotive mobility, accessible transportation, independent living, veterans affairs, disability advocacy, handicap accessibility, and more.
The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists was established in 1977 to support professionals working in the field of driver education / driver training and transportation equipment modifications for persons with disabilities through education and information dissemination. ADED, a nonprofit association, is the primary professional organization in this specialized area, and stands ready to meet the professional needs of its members through educational conferences and research support as well as encouraging handicap accessible development to maximize the transportation options for persons with disabilities.
The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) is the national organization that supports more than 20,000 occupational therapists (OTs), occupational therapist assistants (OTAs) and students who work or study in Canada. CAOT provides resources, services and learning opportunities that assist OTs in achieving excellence in their professional practice. Additionally, CAOT provides leadership in the development and promotion of the occupational therapy profession in Canada and internationally.
Learn more about Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) coordinates all matters dealing with the administration, regulation and control of motor vehicle transportation and highway safety. Membership includes representation from provincial and territorial governments as well as the federal government of Canada.
CCMTA supports its members’ vision to have the safest and most efficient movement of people and goods by road in the world. We are the custodians of the National Safety Code, and we provide collaborative leadership in the areas of Road Safety Research and Policy, Drivers and Vehicles and Compliance and Regulatory Affairs.
Learn more about Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators
March of Dimes Canada strives to maximize the independence, personal empowerment, and community participation of people with physical disabilities.
March of Dimes Canada believes that everyone, regardless of physical or financial challenges deserves to be independent, able to work, learn and participate fully in their community.
The mission of the SAAQ is to protect individuals against the risks inherent in use of the road and contribute to the enforcement of several laws and regulations.