
Tips on Camping for Those with Disabilities
Lifestyle and Sports, Living With a DisabilityIf you’re an outdoor kind of person, don’t let a disability stop you from enjoying Mother Nature, discovering travel in a whole new light or vacationing inexpensively.
The best way to get your toes wet in the camping phenomenon is to join…

Seniors Breeze Through Airport Lines—Sort Of
Living With a Disability, Senior CitizensSeniors Breeze Through Airport Lines—Sort Of
Going on an accessible vacation? You should know that in March, the Transportation Security Administration posted a sign in four airports notifying passengers age 75 and older that they can leave…

Avoid Airport Pat-Downs: New TSA Helpline for People with Disabilities
Living With a DisabilityYou might want to drive your accessible vehicle rather than fly. After recent news, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued more intensive search procedures—like pat-downs. Some of the more likely people to get pat-downs…

For a Leisurely Vacation, Don’t Rule Out the Scenic Train
Living With a Disability
For those with disabilities, picture a vacation that is scenic, leisurely, affordable and comfortable, where there’s no waiting in long lines or delays. If you want a vacation that is all of those things, consider taking the train.

The Great Outdoors: National Parks Offer 3 More Free Days this Year
Disability Benefits InfoNational Parks offer several free entrance days a year, and there are 3 left for 2011: June 21, September 24 and Veterans Day weekend November 11-13. That's a $25 savings per carload at parks that charge entrance fees. Even if you have a free…

5 Top Travel Destinations for Nature Lover Travelers with Disabilities
Living With a DisabilityTraveling for those with a disability can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be overly so with careful planning and preparation. Following are 5 fabulous travel destinations to consider for nature lovers with disabilities:
1. Captain…

Amusement Parks are Making it Easier for Those with Disabilities
Living With a DisabilityIn the rush of everyday life, we have to make time for fun – and what better place than an amusement park. In the last few years, they have become more friendly to those with disabilities. One in particular was specially built for children…