Now is the time that many high school and college students are starting to enjoy their summer. It’s the time of year that your children are getting ready for a milestone in their life as well as more freedom and responsibility. If your son or daughter lives with a disability or uses a wheelchair, a mobility vehicle of their own is the ideal way to promote that independence and begin a new chapter in their lives. While wheelchair accessible vans are a great option for most, a low speed vehicle, or LSV, might be the perfect solution for a student. Read on to see why a low speed vehicle can be ideal.
LSVs Have Great Specs
If you’re worried that a low speed vehicle might not be up to par with your, or federal, standards, fret no more. There are LSV’s that are accessible for driving in small towns and neighborhoods. The low speed vehicles typically have a range of 50 miles on a single charge and have a top speed of around 25 miles per hour. This is more than sufficient for getting to and from school, picking up groceries, or attending local club meetings. In most configurations, the driver that uses a wheelchair rolls in from the back via a ramp and locks in place with a special mechanism. Fit with power-operated windows, regulation lighting and a quality stereo system, the low speed vehicle is a good match for young people looking to do more on their own.
Promote Independence
Your college or high school grad will get the most out of the affordable low speed vehicles when they are running errands and transporting themselves to and from their university and their dorms. These mobility vehicles equip your son or daughter with the ability to take care of themselves and give them independence. Suited for a single occupant, they will learn the necessary skills to operate an LSV but will be rewarded with exhilaration from being on their own and completing a task by themselves. Low speed vehicles are a good choice for their price point and what they can offer for your family.
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying a handicap accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our Quality Assurance Program mobility equipment dealers.