Mobility My Way: The Move to a Minivan
Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a Disability, SpotlightThis story begins back in the days of car-toppers and bench seats. Remember those? Long before lowered floor minivans and ramp equipped SUVs became the norm—actually, long before minivans and SUVs were even invented—these were a few of the things disabled drivers considered when looking at vehicles to get them on the road...

Mobility My Way: The World Can Wait
Living With a Disability, SpotlightBy Mike Savicki
Back in the early 2000s, Arizona’s Loren Worthington made a decision to see the world. And why shouldn’t he? The Army brat who was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, was already used to traveling, camping, hunting, fishing, and…

Mobility My Way: A Heart of Gold!
Living With a Disability, Spotlight
By Mike Savicki
Bob Lujano’s journey from Texas to Alabama, Athens and Beyond
There is a scene in the Academy-Award nominated documentary, Murberball, when co-star, Bob Lujano, and his teammates, play a prank on an unsuspecting…

Mobility My Way: It’s the Journey that Matters
Drivers With Disabilities, SpotlightSitting in front of the home computer screen, Army veteran Tim Kelly glides through Google Earth image views and bookmarks the National Parks, historical places of interest, landmarks, intersections, and even visible handicap parking spaces…

Mobility My Way: Up for the Challenge
Drivers With Disabilities, Spotlight
By Mike Savicki
Upon meeting and chatting with Joel Rodriguez, it doesn’t take long to realize he is something special. Sure, Joel’s energy and zest for making the most out of every day set him apart from most. So, too, does his smile…

Mobility My Way: A Family Vehicle and a Growing Need for Space
Drivers With Disabilities, Spotlight
By Mike Savicki
When it came time to interview Eve Hampton for this story, I figured connecting with her and finding time to chat would be a challenge. Everything I knew about Eve affirmed she is a woman on the go. In addition to being…

Mobility My Way: If it’s a Wednesday…
Drivers With Disabilities, SpotlightBy Mike Savicki
Holly Koester’s road to automotive mobility takes her (almost) everywhere (almost) every day.
There are those who keep a busy calendar and there is Holly Koester. If you do one thing every Wednesday of the month, she…