1. Locate a Mobility Equipment Dealer.
A specialized Mobility Equipment Dealer will be able to provide you with information you may need regarding purchasing handicap accessible vehicles. From going over available options to financing, this should be the first stop in your journey. Trained staff can help match you find the perfect car or van. NMEDA member dealers are experts in their fields and are required to meet Quality Assurance Program (QAP) standards in order to operate, meaning they are qualified to provide you with the most accurate and beneficial information. Locate a dealer near you to begin the search for your ideal vehicle.
2. Consult a Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist.
If you plan on driving independently, then finding a CDRS near you is a very important step. A NMEDA member dealer can help. These professionals will perform a driving assessment and determine what type of equipment would be necessary to get you behind the wheel of your own handicap accessible vehicles! These consultations eliminate any confusion that may arise while shopping for a new or used vehicle, and can save a considerable amount of time and money.
3. Make a selection.
Now that you’re armed with the information you need to make an educated decision, it’s time to pick out your desired wheels. Our QAP dealers will be there to assist you every step of the way, from choosing a make and model to helping you complete any funding applications required for purchase.
4. Learn about your new vehicle.
Having a new set of wheels is definitely exciting, but before you can get out on the road, you must learn to use the features in your vehicle. If you will be the driver of the car and adaptive equipment was installed in order to accommodate you, be sure to schedule some time to meet with your CDRS to train on how to use these systems.
5. Get on the road!
A moment you’re likely to always remember, getting behind the wheel of your new adapted handicap accessible vehicles is a thrill like no other. Whether your car, SUV or van has opened up the doors to take your family on road trips or vacations, you will now be able to enter and exit your vehicle with a few easy movements. Owning a wheelchair accessible vehicle can transform your entire life.
If you’re ready for step one, be sure to locate a dealer near you today!
Consult your mobility dealer before purchasing any vehicle for adaptive equipment to ensure everything will fit properly.
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying a handicap accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our mobility equipment dealers.