The number one reason people with disabilities don’t have access to adequate transportation is because they cannot afford it. The good news is there are a variety of options to consider when you’re looking for financing to purchase a wheelchair accessible vehicle. Don’t hesitate to do your homework and pursue all the possibilities that might be available out there. In addition to the traditional financing sources available from a vehicle dealership you may also want to consider:
Third Party Sources
There are numerous nonprofit groups and funding programs that can provide funding for a wheelchair accessible vehicle. But you will need to do your research to find out who can help. For example, the Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation might be able to help if you have Muscular Dystrophy or United Cerebral Palsy may be able to assist with resources if you have Cerebral Palsy. Other philanthropic groups like the Masons, the Jaycees, and Easter Seals may provide assistance, as well.
The PASS Program
If you are on Social Security Income (SSI), you may want to take a look at the PASS Program. PASS stands for Plan to Achieve Self Success and is a program that provides the resources to help you reach a predetermined goal. For example, if you said you needed a wheelchair accessible vehicle to get to work or to attend school, the money for the vehicle would be provided each month to cover the payments.
They may not be for everyone, but they can be effective and many people have successfully raised the money to pay for a wheelchair accessible vehicle with a fundraiser. Fundraising events can be held by family, friends, schools, churches, just about anyone who can rally a group of people together to work and contribute towards your cause.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assistance will vary depending on where you live but the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services in your state may be able to help pay for the modifications to your vehicle. Many of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) offer financial assistance; check out https://www.nmedacanada.ca/how-to-buy/rebates/ for more information. Another good resource is listed here: https://www.amsvans.com/financing-handicap-vans The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying a wheelchair accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our mobility equipment dealers.