Gearing Up for Back-to-School Season
Shopping for school supplies and new clothes isn’t the only thing you’ll need to get done this August to make sure your child (and you!) are ready for the new school year. From ensuring that your kid’s teachers are aware of any special requirements to helping your child understand the importance of education, getting ‘back-to-school ready’ is easy with these quick tips.
Get into a routine
Summer days are filled with late starts, weekday trips and fun activities, meaning early
mornings, strict schedules, and homework may be a bit of a shock to your child’s system. Ease your kids into the school routine by practicing waking up early, having lunch at a certain time each day, and trading game-time for educational activities.
Assess accessibility
If it’s your child’s first time going to school, or if your family moved over the summer, be sure to pay the campus a visit before the first bell. From accessible entrances, hallways, and elevators to transportation equipped to meet your child’s needs, figuring out the details of getting to, and around, the school is essential.
Meet and greet
Get to know your child’s teachers and aides whenever possible. Explain your child’s special needs to them in detail, ensuring that you make them aware of any particular requirements they may have, or assistive devices they need to utilize in class.
Account for changes
Even if your son or daughter has been attending the same school for years, be sure to ask administration if there have been any changes over the summer. From a new teacher in your child’s class to a newly built wing that proves to be inaccessible, it’s best to prepare yourself and your little ones ahead of time with this information.
Talk it out
Have a series of conversations with your child regarding the upcoming school year. Explain to them when they will begin lessons, what their schedules will look like, and how you and their teachers will be there to help them along the way. If you help your child understand the importance of an education, the process will be easier for both of you.
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The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying a handicap accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our mobility equipment dealers.