wheelchair vehicle Archives - NMEDA


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What Goes Into Adapting a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle?

Like their drivers, each adaptive vehicle is unique. That is why it is so important that the technicians who modify vehicles are specially trained to install mobility equipment. The easiest way to ensure your vehicle is being worked on by experienced…
choosing a wheelchair van

Choosing a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle for Your Family

Shopping for a vehicle can be a day-long hunt, no matter what specifications you’re looking for. As a mother or father of a child that uses a wheelchair, the endless options are no exception. Depending on what your child’s needs are, how…
driving your mobility vehicle in inclement weather

Mobility Vehicle Prep for April Showers

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The start of April can be a time of tricks and pranks, but April showers are no joke. This year, it’s predicted to be a strong El Niño season, so the wet season could be stronger and more dangerous. Even though this time of year is marked…