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NMEDA’s Quality Assurance Program (QAP) is the only nationally recognized accreditation program for the auto mobility industry.
Learn why this is so important.
Here you will find a listing of all personal use (non-commercial) vehicle conversions and components reviewed and accepted by NMEDA’s Compliance Review Program engineers.
Find a QAP accredited dealer near you using our easy search tool.
Find a manufacturer for the specific device(s) you need.
From the Guidelines to the Bylaws and everything in between, come get what you need.
NMEDA offers four different members types.
Where do you fit?
NMEDA offers training opportunities to professionals in the auto mobility industry, as well as allied health professionals who would like to learn more about the auto mobility industry.
Stay in the know with our quarterly industry magazine.
The greatest show in auto mobility.
Each May, we celebrate this Nationally recognized awareness month and aim to shine some light on auto mobility solutions and the industry as a whole.
For auto mobility professionals who want to stay in the know.
Access the NMEDA Business Intelligence Portal to enter your data and view industry reports.
Don’t miss out!
All upcoming events and trainings in one place.
Industry-specific resources related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Stay up to date on industry news focused on individuals with a disability, caregivers, and other consumers of auto mobility equipment.
Purchasing a wheelchair accessible vehicle can be expensive. Finding funding for these purchases can be a challenge, if you don’t know where to look. Fortunately, NMEDA dealers are specially trained to guide you to programs that may apply to you.
eterans Affairs Agencies, Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies and various related agencies can provide valuable information, services, and assistance to people with special needs.
Many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) offer rebate assistance to customers when they purchase accessible products. Each NMEDA member manufacturer has their own program.
Purchasing a wheelchair accessible vehicle can be expensive. Finding funding for these purchases can be a challenge, if you don’t know where to look. Fortunately, NMEDA dealers are specially trained to guide you to programs that may apply to you.
Purchasing a wheelchair accessible vehicle can be expensive. Finding funding for these purchases can be a challenge, if you don’t know where to look. Fortunately, NMEDA dealers are specially trained to guide you to programs that may apply to you.
Purchasing a wheelchair accessible vehicle can be expensive. Finding funding for these purchases can be a challenge, if you don’t know where to look. Fortunately, NMEDA dealers are specially trained to guide you to programs that may apply to you.